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Heathers, High School Edition

In 2021 he played the protagonist Jason Dean in the musical "Heathers - High School Edition". A broadway show , in Brazil, directed by Fernanda Chamma.

Heathers, The Musical

In 2019 he was featured in the musical "Heathers". A broadway show , in Brazil, directed by Fernanda Chamma.

Christmas Leblon

In 2019, he presented the Christmas show at Shopping Leblon in Rio de Janeiro, directed by Fernanda Chamma .


In 2018 and 2019 he joined the company "Only Broadway" directed by Fernanda Chamma. I presented shows at Paris 6 Burlesque, events at Teatro Santander and Christmas shows in shopping malls in São Paulo.

Help! My Kittens Are Missing!

In 2017 he played " Leôncio " in “Socorro! My Kittens Are Disappeared! A musical by Maria Dudah Senne and Meire Tumura.

Miss Jane's Mansion

In 2017, he debuted in the musical “Miss Jane's Mansion” as Homossek and Werewolf. A musical by Candé Brandão, Tchello Palma and Sabrina Wilkins, directed by Deto Montenegro .

enchanted Valley

In 2015, he debuted in the musical “Vale Encantado” as Prince. A musical by Oswaldo Montenegro and directed by Evelyn Klein.

Knock Knock

In 2019 he played "Dr. Stern" in “Knock Knock”.

A theatrical show directed by Cininha de Paula and Cynthia Falabella.


In 2019 I played the Hunchback of Notre Dame in "F20", a festival of 20 musicals directed by Fefa Moreira.

The Taming of the Shrew

In 2018 he played "Batista" in “The Taming of the Shrew, The Musical”. A musical by Leonardo Robbi, directed by Cinina de Paula and Fernanda Chamma .

Ever Legend

A Musical Inspired by the Work of Michael Jackson

In 2017 and 2018, the musical "Ever Legend" appeared! A musical by Candé Brandão, Sabrina Wilkins, Tchello Palma and Milo Level.

The Dance of the Signs

In 2016, the Aries sign lived in “A Dança dos Signos”. A musical by Oswaldo Montenegro and directed by Deto Montenegro.

To Beat Certain People

In his first public test he played a King in “To Vencer Certas Pessoa. A play by Ruth Rocha and directed by Diogo Matos and Beto Silveira.

It was an accident !

In 2012 he played "Luís" in “Foi sem Querer. ” Directed by Lígia Cortez.

The Great Revenge. A Violent Comedy.

In 2011, he played "Luís Potter" in “ The Great Revenge”. A Violent Comedy. ” Directed by Lígia Cortez.

Train of Sins

In 2012 he played "Luís" in “Foi sem Querer. ” Directed by Lígia Cortez.

The Mystery of...

In 2012 he played "Luís" in “Foi sem Querer. ” Directed by Lígia Cortez.


The Dance of the Signs

In 2016, the Aries sign lived in “A Dança dos Signos”. A musical by Oswaldo Montenegro and directed by Deto Montenegro.

enchanted Valley

In 2015, he debuted in the musical “Vale Encantado” as Prince. A musical by Oswaldo Montenegro and directed by Evelyn Klein.

Ever Legend

A Musical Inspired by the Work of Michael Jackson

In 2017 and 2018, the musical "Ever Legend" appeared! A musical by Candé Brandão, Sabrina Wilkins, Tchello Palma and Milo Level.

To Beat Certain People

In his first public test he played a King in “To Vencer Certas Pessoa. A play by Ruth Rocha and directed by Diogo Matos and Beto Silveira.

Help! My Kittens Are Missing!

In 2017, he played Leoncio in “Socorro! My Kittens Are Disappeared! A musical by Maria Dudah Senne and Meire Tumura.

Miss Jane's Mansion

In 2017, he debuted in the musical “Miss Jane's Mansion” as Homossek and Werewolf. A musical by Candé Brandão, Tchello Palma and Sabrina Wilkins, directed by Deto Montenegro .


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